Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Big Red's Big Day

After putting you through two days of these, I should tell you that this is a long standing tradition in my family.  Every year on the front porch with shiny shoes on the first day of school.

I should also tell you that I cried like a baby for about 30 minutes after we dropped him off this morning. 

my baby. I didn't want to let go.


  1. I can't even imagine how hard this is going to be. ugh. He is so smiley and excited!

  2. He looks so cute! Is Pre-K the same as UK nursery ~ half day sessions of 3 hours each day?

  3. Ruth, pre-k is like the last year of preschool before Kindergarten. It can be 3 hours in the morning or afternoon or 9-3.
